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高庆伟 摘 要 1999年之前,国有工业企业的利润状况一直不佳,对此,学术界从产权不清晰、社会性负担和政策性负担、监督和管理不善等各个角度进行了分析和研究。尽管分析的角度不同,但这些分析却有一个共同的结论:在市场竞争条件下,如果缺少必要的行政保护,国有企业必将出现效率低下的局面。然而,1999之后,国有工业企业的利润出现了大幅增长。而这一时期,虽然产权不清晰、社会性负担和政策性负担、管理和监督问题较1999年之前有所改善,但这些问题目前在中国并没有得到根本性的解决,因此,这些问题的改善并不能很好地解释国有工业企业利润的大幅增长,这就需要进一步深入地分析国有工业企业利润增长的行业特点及其原因。 本文分析了国有工业新增利润来源的行业特点,结果发现:国有工业的新增利润主要集中在煤炭、石油、烟草、电力、黑色和有色金属冶炼等6个行业上。针对这些行业的利润来源,本文从市场权势、销售量、管理和技术进步等因素出发,详细分析了这6个行业的利润来源状况。结果表明,市场权势和销售量是国有工业新增利润的主要影响因素。而反观同时期的三资工业企业,虽然其利润也出现了类似的大幅增长,但这些新增利润主要来自15个行业,且这些行业的新增利润主要是靠开拓市场提高销售量来实现的,而不是像国有工业,市场权势也是其新增利润的重要影响因素。通过这种对比分析发现,国有工业的利润增长是一个非均衡式的增长,而且其新增利润受市场权势的影响较大。由于市场权势会阻碍技术进步和产业升级等,因此就有必要打破国有企业的这种垄断,以使我国的制造业走上健康发展道路。 关键词:国有企业 利润 市场权势 Abstract The profit of State-Owned Enterprises(SOEs)had always been low before 1999. Academic circles attributed it to the obscurity of property rights, heavy social burden and policy burden, and the weakness of management and supervise. Despite their arguments were different, they had one common conclusion. It is that efficiency of SOEs will be low under the condition of a competitive market without administrative protection. However, the profit of SOEs has greatly increased since 1999. Despite the light improvement of the above problems could explain the phenomena partly, these problems have not been solved completely till today. So the light improvement of these problems should not be the reason. It is necessary to analyze the reason of the phenomena in the term of industry analysis. In the term of industry analysis, the new profit of SOEs mostly comes from industries of Coal Mining and Dressing, Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction, Tobacco Processing, Smelting and Pressing of Ferrous Metals, Smelting and Pressing of Nonferrous Metals, Production and Supply of Electric Power, Steam and Hot Water. This paper analyzes the reasons of the fast increasing profit of the six industries from views of monopolistic power, sales, management and technology,and so on. It shows that monopolistic power and sales are main factors to promote the profit of the six industries. During the same period, the profit of Foreign Funded Enterprises has got the same increase, but its profit mainly comes from 15 industries. Unlike SOEs, the profit of Foreign Funded Enterprises is derived from sales, not from monopolistic power. Comparing with Foreign Funded Enterprises, the increase of profit for SOEs is not a balanced development, and monopoly is also a key impetus. Because monopoly will hinder technology progress and upgrading of an industrial structure and so on, so it is necessary to break the monopoly of SOEs, which will benefit manufacturing of our country. Key words: State-Owned Enterprise Profit Monopolistic Power

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