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前 言 我国1998年以后一度出现通货紧缩,以致延缓经济增长,给劳动力市场造成巨大压力,严重影响社会经济福利改善。如此严峻的宏观经济形势迫切要求我们对这一改革开放以来前所未有的经济增长现象,在研究经济体制,特别是金融体制制度变迁基础上,分析其金融体制成因,并提出相应治理对策。 本文采用可贷资金理论,以经济体制,特别是金融体制改革对缓解信用扩张难题的影响为研究重点,对我国98年以后一度出现通货紧缩,以致延缓经济增长,这一改革开放以来前所未有的经济增长现象的金融体制成因进行了初步分析。 鉴于经济发展由企业家创新投资主导,研究制度安排对与企业家创新投资货币资本供给密切相关的信用扩张难题缓解的影响,无疑对剖析经济增长问题的包括金融体制在内的体制成因具有重要意义。所谓信用扩张难题,从表面上看是指金融体系所面临的由信用扩张引起的保证流动性充足和为企业家创新投资提供必要货币资本的潜在冲突,但实质上却是信用扩张为企业家创新投资提供货币资本是否适度问题。当信用扩张过度,即信用扩张货币资本供给超出企业家创新投资需要时,社会经济体系势必最终面临流动性不足问题,从而可能加剧经济波动;当信用扩张不足,即信用扩张货币资本供给不能满足企业家创新投资需要时,则可能因企业家创新投资不足,延缓经济增长。由此可见,研究制度安排对信用扩张难题缓解的影响,有助于我们完善体制改革设计,促使企业家创新投资货币资本需求适度满足,为实现最优经济增长创造有利条件。 与发达国家在形成消费者调整意愿储蓄水平、企业家内生决定意愿投资水平、金融体系内部制衡和中央银行宏观调控的市场经济体制信用扩张制衡机制基础上,有效实现信用扩张难题缓解不同,受经济增长的苏联模式影响,我国曾进行过缓解信用扩张难题的计划经济试验。我国运用计划经济体制,缓解信用扩张难题的最大特点莫过于通过建立高度集中的计划经济体制和形成直接强制储蓄机制实现储蓄和投资职能的合二为一,并在此基础上基本剥夺金融体系(实质为大一统的银行体系)参与货币资本供给,进行信用扩张的权利,从而消除了信用扩张难题产生的体制基础,从表面上解决了信用扩张难题。然而,替代信用扩张提供(企业家创新投资)货币资本的直接强制储蓄使得货币资本供给失度(信用扩张难题的本质)状况及其经济后果更加严重。由此可见,运用计划经济体制,缓解信用扩张难题得不偿失,需按照重建适应市场经济要求的信用扩张制衡机制的思路,重新考虑解决该问题。 迄今为止,我国重建适应市场经济要求的信用扩张制衡机制主要经历有计划商品经济体制和社会主义商品经济体制改革两个阶段。在有计划商品经济体制改革时期,重建适应市场经济要求的信用扩张制衡机制最重要成果是通过直接强制储蓄机制解体,促使有计划商品经济体制形成消费者调整意愿储蓄水平,这一适应市场经济要求的最重要的信用扩张制衡机制。社会主义市场经济体制重建适应市场经济要求的信用扩张制衡机制,从全面实施以抓大放小的国有经济战略性改组为核心内容的深化国企改革新思路,促使意愿投资水平逐步转为由企业家内生决定取得突破,并在此基础上逐步形成适应市场经济要求的在企业家和中央银行方面的信用扩张制衡机制。 经过20多年市场化取向的经济体制改革,与发达国家市场经济体制相比,目前的社会主义市场经济体制除了金融体系仍基本建立在国有产权制度基础上之外,其他涉及缓解信用扩张难题制度安排已无本质区别。然而, 受制于产权制度改革滞后,国有金融机构企业家创新能力存在严重欠缺,社会主义市场经济体制在金融体系方面的信用扩张制衡机制不足仍较为突出,不仅并未根除信用扩张过度的隐患,而且在特定的社会经济条件下,还可能造成不必要的信用过度收缩,从而影响经济及时复苏。 我们认为我国1998年以后一度出现通货紧缩,以致延缓经济增长很大程度上就是社会主义市场经济体制在金融体系方面的信用扩张制衡机制存在严重不足的产物。受制于产权制度改革滞后,国有金融机构因企业家创新能力不足,在应对调整信用扩张过度过程中的流动性风险时,可能产生不必要的信用过度收缩倾向。亚洲金融危机引发出口需求增长缓慢和以分税制改革为主要内容的强化财政改革加重非国有企业财政负担的不足可能抑制非国有经济部门投资导致超出预期的经济增长延缓出现则加重了这一倾向。不必要的信用过度收缩最终势必引发过度经济增长延缓和通货紧缩,影响经济及时复苏。 为此,除适度调整强化财政改革力度和实施促使国有金融机构向非国有企业投资提供货币资本政策为加速经济复苏创造有利条件,更为重要的是尚需摒弃现行的囿于国有产权制度优化的金融改革思路,大力发展非国有金融机构,培育不同所有制成份共同发展的混合金融体系,以最终发展和完善社会主义市场经济体制在金融体系方面的信用扩张制衡机制。 我们相信经过适时推动以大力发展非国有金融机构,培育混合金融体系为主要内容的金融改革全面深化,发展和完善社会主义市场经济体制最为薄弱的在金融体系方面的信用扩张制衡机制,我国一定能够最终实现信用扩张难题有效缓解,促使国民经济稳定持续协调发展。 Abstract Our country has met with currency deflation and economic contraction since 1998.The currency deflation and economic contraction caused the rate of unemployment increased rapidly. Such macroeconomic condition is requiring us researching its causes, especially on economic system and bringing out policy advice. On the basis of using credit fund theory,we try to analyse and solve the above problem. With the monetary capital surplused by credit inflation, entrepreneur innovation investment forms the most important factor in economic development so that we have to analyse the impact of economic system reforms on solving the dilemma of credit inflation firstly. The dilemma of credit inflation refers to the financial sector may face thecollide caused by credit inflation between keeps the society liquidity adequately and surpluses the fit monetary capital demanded by entrepreneur innovation investment . Different from the developed countries solving the dilemma of credit inflation on the basis of the market economy system successfully, our country tried to solve the same problem forever on the basis of the plan economy system with the empiricies of the USSR economic development model. The key point in solving the dilemma of credit inflation on the basis of the plan economy system is the financial sector wasn’t permitted surpluse monetary capital for entrepreneur innovation investment so that this problem seems solved at lest in Definition.However, the direct compulsory saving surplusing the monetary capital for entrepreneur innovation investment in the plan economy made the dilemma of credit inflation become worse more and more so that China was forced to begin economy reforms-oriented the market economy system in 1978. The direct compulsory saving’s dismiss helped China form and develop the credit inflation equiponderant organ on savers again and the financial sector regained the rights of surplusing monetary capital for entrepreneur innovation investment in 1978-1992.The government-owned economy strategical adjustmen thas made greater progresses in forming and developing the credit inflation equiponderant organs on entrepreneurs and central bank since 1998. The development in the credit inflation equiponderant organs on savers , entrepreneurs and central bank surpluses the good contion on economy system for dealing with the dilemma of credit inflation in China and helped our courtry gain the fastest economic development rates in the world more than 20 years. However, Chinese financial sector is still owned and control by government strictly. Thinking of its entrepreneur innovation capacity being inadequate, The government-owned financial sector have to make credit contraction crsisly to maintain its liquidity so that the government-owned financial sector could hardly surpluse adequatemonetary capital for entrepreneur innovation investment when economic contraction produces.It is the cause on economy system that currency deflation and economic contraction lasted so long. We think it is time to enhance financial sector reforms by developing the financial sector not belong to government to solve the problem of currency deflation and economic contraction in the end.

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