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Institute of Economics of CASS


  The Institute of Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences(CASS) was reorganized, amalgamated, renamed, and evolved from two research institutes established in the 1920s. In 1926, the Social Research Department of the China Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Culture was founded in Beijing, become the predecessor of the Institute, three years later, the department was restructured into the Institute of Social Research in 1929, being an Independent research institute, then amalgamated with the Institute of the Social Sciences at the Academia Sinica(AS) in 1934. It was renamed Institute of Social Research in 1945 at the AS and 1950 at the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS), then renamed Institute of Economics of CAS in 1953, and Institute of Economics of CASS in 1977.

  The Institute of Economics was the incubator of the other 7 institutes of Academic Division of Economics of the CASS, and now specialize in the studies of comprehensive, fundamental economic issues, focusing on the major theoretical and practical issues of China's reform, development and stability, and pays equal attention to academic research and think tank research.

  It runs journals such as 《Economic Research Journal》, 《Economics Perspectives》, and 《Researches In Chinese Economic History》.

  A large number of scholars who have made outstanding contributions to China's economic construction and economic theory development have been working hard here. Among them, 1 National academician of the Academia Sinica (Tao Menghe, or L.K.Tao), 4 National academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Di Chaobai, Xu Dixin, Tao Menghe, Luo Gengmo), 4 members of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Zhang Zhuoyuan, Liu Shucheng, Zhu Ling, Gao Peiyong), 12 members of the Honorary Faculty of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Yu Zuyao, Zhu Shaowen, Wu Chengming, Wang Jingyu, Zhao Renwei, Luo Gengmo, Dai Yuanchen, Sun Shizhen, Mi Rucheng, Jing Junjian, Nie Baozhang, Xiang Qiyuan), and famous scholars in academic circles such as Qian jiaju Chen Hanshen, Gu Zhun, Yan Zhongping, Li Wenzhi and so on. Tao Menghe, Yang Duanliu, Cai Yuanpei, Yang Quan(Xingfo), Fu sinian, Wu Baosan, Di Chaobai, Sun Yefang, Xu Dixin, Liu Guoguang, Dong Fureng, Zhao Renwei, He Jianzhang, Zhang Zhuoyuan, Liu Shucheng, Wu Taichang, Pei Changhong, Gao Peiyong and Huang Qunhui served as directors. The current director is Li Xuesong.

  It consists of 15 departments: the Department of Xi Jinping's Economic Thought, the Department of Political Economy, the Department of Das Kapital Studies, the Department of Macro-Economics, the Department of Micro-Economics, the Department of Development Economics, the Department of Public Economics, the Department of the History of Chinese Economy, the Department of the History of Modern Chinese Economy, the Department of Chinese History of Economic Thought, the Department of the Foreign History of Economic Thought, the Department of Economic Growth, the Department of Income Distribution, the Department of Artificial Intelligence Economy, and the Department of Economic System Reform. It has established the CASS Think Tank on Innovation of Marxist Political Economy in Contemporary China and State- Owned Economy. It runs journals such as Economic Research Journal, Economics Perspectives, and Researches in Chinese Economic History, and Bulletin of the History of Economic Thought. It is affiliated with national academic groups and foundations including China Society of Das Kapital Studies, China Association of Comparative Economics Studies, Association of the History of Chinese Economic Thought, Chinese Economic History Society, China Research Society of Urban Development, and Sun Yefang Economic Science Foundation. Under It also hosts CASS-level non-entity institutions: Chinese Modern Economic History Research Center, Research Center for Listed Companies, Private Economy Research Center, and Public Policy Research Center; and institute-level non-entity institutions: Economic Transformation and Development Research Center and Policy Making Research Center.

  In 1978, the Department of Economics of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) was established in the Institute of Economics, and in September 2020, the University of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (UCSS) and the Institute of Economics were integrated into a scientific and educational program, with the Director of the Institute of Economics concurrently serving as the Dean of the School of Economics of UCSS. The School of Economics enrolls and trains undergraduate, master's and doctoral students in economics, and currently has seven doctoral degree-granting programs in political economy, history of economic thought, economic history, western economics, development economics, national economics and economic statistics, and ten master's degree-granting programs in political economy, history of economic thought, economic history, western economics, development economics, national economics, economic statistics, world economics, finance, and quantitative economics. There are 10 master's degree-granting programs in economics, and the undergraduate enrollment major is economics.

  The Library has accumulated about 700,000 professional collections.


  Address: No.2 Yuetan Beixiaojie, Xicheng District, Beijing, China(Postcode:100836)



  WeChat Official Account:ie_cass

版权所有 © 2003 中国社会科学院经济研究所

E-mail:wlzx_jjs@yahoo.com.cn    wlzx_jjs@cass.org.cn